Revelation’s Seven Seals
John’s seven seals give an overview of the seven thousand years of earth’s “temporal existence,” as follows:
1. (Rev. 6:1–2—about 4000 B.C. to 3000 B.C.)
John sees a warrior, conquering.
2. (Rev. 6:3–4—about 3000 B.C. to 2000 B.C.)
John sees a representation of human contention and death.
3. (Rev. 6:5–6—about 2000 B.C. to 1000 B.C.)
John sees images of famine.
4. (Rev. 6:7–8—about 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1)
John sees death by war, famine, beasts.
5. (Rev. 6:9–11—about A.D. 1 to A.D. 1000)
John sees the martyrs for Christ of the early Christian era.
6. (About A.D. 1000 to A.D. 2000)
Great Earthquake (Rev. 6:12–17)
John sees a great earthquake; the sun darkens, the moon turns to blood, stars appear to fall; the wicked mistakenly fear that it is the end of the world. (See also JS—M 1:33; D&C 29:14; D&C 88:87.)
144,000 Sealed (Rev. 7:1–8)
A scene shows that angels are held back from sending further judgment until 144,000 high priests can be “sealed” and called to “administer the everlasting gospel.” (See D&C 77:9–11.)
Rewards for Those Who Endure Tribulations (Rev. 7:9–17)
A heavenly scene, “before the throne”; John sees that a “great multitude, which no man could number” will obtain the rewards of the faithful through righteously enduring “tribulation.”
7. (About A.D. 2000 to A.D. 3000)
Six Judgments (Rev. 8 and Rev. 9)
Six of seven trumps now sound, signaling six coming judgments on the earth: (1) hail and fire mingled with blood are cast upon the earth (cf. Ex. 9:22–26; Ezek. 38:22); (2) a great burning mountain is cast into the sea (cf. Ex. 7:19–25); (3) a great star falls, affecting 1/3 of fresh water; (4) 1/3 of heavenly bodies turn dark (cf. Ex. 10:21–23); (5) sun is darkened by smoke; 5-month battle plagues mankind, of such extent it is called a “woe”; (6) a 13-month war plagues mankind, but men still don’t repent, suggesting clearly the purposes for the “judgments of God.”
An Assignment to John (Rev. 10)
At this point, an angel informs John of a “sweet” but “bitter” assignment for him to gather Israel “before the time of [Christ’s] coming .” (See D&C 77:12, 14.)
Two Witnesses in Jerusalem (Rev. 11:1–14)
John sees the gentiles “tread” Jerusalem “under foot” for 42 months. During that same period two witnesses of the Lord testify with great power. The period ends with an earthquake. Conditions now are such that the period is called a second “woe.” (See D&C 77:15.)
Seventh Judgment (Rev. 11:14–19)
The seventh angel trumps, and voices in heaven proclaim the coming earthly reign of Christ; lightnings, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail follow—a “third woe” of mankind.
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