Sunday, April 28, 2013


Some random mumblings found on internet and posted here for future reference!!!!

the LDS Church is the most correct Church on earth meaning that we can get nearer to God by abiding by it's precepts than by any other organized religion(If you want to call this "True" go ahead. What IS true about the Church? Certainly not the doctrines taught in the ward meetings or even everything taught in GC, But if a Church can be defined as "True" then the LDS Church is the only physical church that meets that general description.)
the leaders of the Church are inspired, usually. And regardless of the flaws of men, the church continues on and it IS fulfilling the work that it was established to do. I am a result of the Church. I love who I am! I love that God used the church to bring me to where I am in my progression and I encourage everyone to trust God and the spirit to come to know God for yourselves.

We know that prophets have flaws and are imperfect. But can we see the flaws, and acknowledge them with eyes wide open and still accept them as a prophets of God? When we look at the prophet Jonah who saved the souls of Nineveh, can we recognize his flaws and failings and still acknowledge his divine calling?

When we Look at President Monson, and the other 14 men at the top of the church, (or the prophets and apostles of our recent past), can we see their weaknesses and still accept that they have been called by God despite their weaknesses?

Does the Church have to be perfect to be God’s church? Does it have to do everything right good and glorious in order to be God’s church? Does it have to be an "All or Nothing" Church?

Can it be God’s church and not be perfect, and even occasionally break the law, make poor financial decisions, use consecrated money for unintended purposes, and even sometimes teach false doctrine?

The church has and does all these things, and will continue to do all these things because imperfect men and women hold the reigns. Until the people in every position become infallible the church will continue to make mistakes and have issues, even in doctrine.

Now to the point, We all accept that Christ Leads the Church.
The church today is run the same way. Christ doesn’t show up in the meetings. In fact, many of the 15 men that run the church have never seen Christ, in vision, dream or otherwise. 

How does Christ lead and guide his church today? President Hinckley was asked this many times in the hundreds of interviews he had. Every time he said about the same thing. Here is an example of what he said,

RB: As the world leader of the the Church, how are you in touch with God? Can you explain that for me?

GBH: I pray. I pray to Him. Night and morning. I speak with Him. I think He hears my prayers. As He hears the prayers of others. I think He answers them.

RB: But more than that, because you’re leader of the Church. Do you have a special connection?

GBH: I have a special relationship in terms of the Church as an institution. Yes.

RB: And you receive........

GBH: For the entire Church.

RB: You receive?

GBH: Now we don’t need a lot of continuing revelation. We have a great, basic reservoir of revelation. But if a problem arises, as it does occasionally, a vexatious thing with which we have to deal, we go to the Lord in prayer. We discuss it as a First Presidency and as a Council of the Twelve Apostles. We pray about it and then comes the whisperings of a still small voice. And we know the direction we should take and we proceed accordingly.

RB: And this is a Revelation?

GBH: This is a Revelation.

RB: How often have you received such revelations?

GBH: Oh, I don’t know. I feel satisfied that in some circumstances we’ve had such revelation. It’s a very sacred thing that we don’t like to talk about a lot. A very sacred thing.

Q: But it’s a special experience?

GBH: I think it’s a real thing. It’s a very real thing. And a special experience.

This is how the church is run… The same way you would receive revelation from the Holy Ghost to teach a gospel Doctrine class, run a ward as a bishop or prepare to Home and visiting teaching lesson. 

"Revelation no longer comes by vision," Mr. Hinckley said, "but in the 'still, small voice,' like that heard by Elijah." "We wrestle with a problem, we discuss it, we think about it, we pray about it," he said... "And the answer comes in a remarkable and wonderful way." (Washington Times, Dec. 3, 1996, page A8)

There is no visit from Christ in this process as publicly detailed so many times by President Hinckley. In fact, it is exactly like it was in the primitive church under Peter. (Acts 15)

The sixth president of the LDS Church testified under oath before Congress that he, as prophet of the Church, has not received any revelations and that he only gets impressions from God the same as any good Methodist would get. I think that he didn’t understand what he was talking about because we receive revelations all the time and just don’t acknowledge them as coming from God…(So he must have had revelations…)

The actual dialogue:

"Senator Dubios: Have you received any revelations from God, which has been submitted by you and the apostles to the body of the church in their semiannual conference, which revelation has been sustained by that conference, through the upholding of their hands?

Mr. Smith: Since when?

Senator Dubios: Since you became President of the Church.


Senator Dubios: Have you received any individual revelations yourself, since you became President of the church under your own definition, even, of a revelation?


Senator Dubois: Can you say that you have not?

Mr. Smith: No; I cannot say that I have not.

Senator Dubois: Then you do not know whether you have received any such revelation as you have described or whether you have not?

Mr. Smith: Well, I can say this: That if I live as I should in the line of my duties, I AM SUSCEPTIBLE, I THINK, of the impressions of the Spirit of the Lord upon my mind at any time, JUST AS ANY GOOD METHODIST or any other good church member might be. And so far as that is concerned, I say yes; I have had impressions of the Spirit upon my mind very frequently, but they ARE NOT IN THE SENSE OF REVELATIONS." (Reed Smoot Case, Vol. 1, pages 483-484).

On page 99 of the same volume Joseph F. Smith stated: 


Just because we disagree with something they say or do does not mean that we don't sustain them or that they were not called or that we hate the church or that we lack faith, etc. It means that we have our eyes opened and are not blinded by the honors of men.

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