Friday, November 20, 2015

Secrets of the Melbourne Man

Secrets of the Melbourne Man

In 1947, I was a 21-year-old missionary Elder, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My assignment was in Melbourne, Australia. My companion and I were going door-to-door in a quaint little section of the city. The lanes were narrow and wandered around, with no sense of plan at all.
Missionaries are not supposed to leave their companions for any reason. But here in this compact area, we decided to each take a side of the lane. Opportunities to teach anyone were so rare that we thought it wise to cover as much territory as possible. If a friendly reaction was received by one of us, the other would cross the street to share in the visit. Usually, we could see each other every minute and could almost touch hands across the lane. So the plan was working well, as we doubled our tracting efficiency.
At one door, a man answered and said yes, he would like to hear more about our beliefs. I looked for my companion, but he had disappeared. So I tried to stall until the Elder came back. He had obviously gone around one of the numerous meanderings and should reappear at any moment. I explained that my companion would be back in a minute or two. (Much later, I discovered that around the corner was a “milk bar”, where he had gone for a milk shake while he waited for me. The Elder assumed that since I was right behind him, I would soon show up there.)
After a few more minutes, the man became impatient and said, “I don’t talk standing in the lane. If you’re not interested, never mind.”
So I said, “Okay, I’ll come in.” My intention was to visit briefly, make an appointment, and return with my wandering companion.
As I began to explain our purpose, he interrupted, “Mr. Law, we have a better plan.” So I asked about his “better plan”.
The Melbourne man, as I call him, described how Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, had designed a different kind of society. This man’s plan would follow similar lines. There would be three classes of people: the leaders, the workers, and the teachers. The teachers would be trained to condition a sinless society (“…as you call sin…”, he said) – there would be no hate, no greed, no jealousy, no envy, no lust, no malice – no sin. The workers would not be envious of the leaders. The leaders would not oppress the workers. The teachers would condition each class to willingly accept their assigned role in this “perfect” society.
The Melbourne man further described how breeders would be chosen, based on superior intelligence, physical perfection and longevity genes. Children would be taken from their mothers at birth and placed in communal nurseries, and through various tests, their classes would be determined. They would then receive specialized conditioning for that particular class. All defective babies had to be eliminated. The total number of births would need to be controlled to prevent overpopulation and depletion of natural resources. By this selective breeding, a master race of geniuses could be created.
Worker-scientists were assigned to research life extension techniques until future generations could “live forever”. Through space research, they would reach out into the universe to develop planets hospitable to human life. This perfect society then spreads throughout space in a never-ending cycle.
I asked, “How will you condition them?” He then explained, in detail, the basic conditioning tools. They included diet, drugs, music, movies, education, etc.
He described how diet (the basic elements of life, food and water) could be a major desensitizing and conditioning instrument. The Melbourne man said that by using additives and special formulas, by changing plants and animals, the diet of the people leaves them submissive and easily controlled.
When that man told me that the materials, systems and procedures were already in place in 1947, my farm-boy mentality refused to accept it. Especially when he explained drug addiction. He outlined how drug addiction changes personalities, making them so dependent that they will agree to anything to satisfy their needs. I protested that people will not allow themselves to be manipulated that way. He just laughed and said, “Mr. Law, you’re such a child. Wait and see.”
I did not see how music could be used. The man then described “melodic dissonance” for me, in detail. He told of the conditioning experiments of the Russian scientist Pavlov in communist Russia, using dogs and metronomes. Pavlov found that he could condition a dog to salivate when a metronome beat at 60 beats per minute. Then he learned that he could condition the same dog to never produce saliva when the metronome beat at 120 beats per minute.
In another experiment with the same dog, Pavlov had both metronomes beating at the same time, one at 60 beats, the other at 120 beats per minute. The conditioned dog was required to do two totally opposite functions at the same time. This produced nervous shock, and the dog collapsed, unconscious.
Next, with the same dog, Pavlov had the 60-beat metronome suddenly jump to 120 beats per minute. At the same instant, the 120-beat metronome dropped to 60 beats per minute. This produced a melodic dissonance. When the metronomes were switched back and forth rapidly, the dog became so distressed that it died. In communist Russia, these experiments were then extended to humans, with similar results.
Using variations of this melodic dissonance, a new music form was created. Musical scores and lyrics were developed. A team of musicians, called “the Beatles”, was trained in Europe and introduced to America on the popular Ed Sullivan Talent Show, on national television. They were an instant hit, and all other forms of music became “old-fashioned”.
I could not understand such a phenomenon in 1947. But years later, when I first heard “rock & roll”, everything flashed back to 1947; I realized that the Australian did know that it would be a powerful tool for their conditioning plan.
The Melbourne man said they had already begun “behavior modification conditioning” in government schools, using audio-visual programs. When they introduce their messages, beginning in preschool, the results are intense and permanent.
A monster was emerging, that I found sinister and all-controlling. I could not believe what I was hearing. But over and over, he said, “Wait and see. You will live to see our perfect plan in full operation. When we control all the conditioning processes, everything will fall neatly into place.”
I protested that they were forcing their will and control on people, taking away freedom of choice. His answer was, “No, they can still choose, but they will always choose exactly what they are conditioned to choose.”
“But that’s not right!” He laughed at my evident simplicity.
So I protested again, “But God won’t allow it.”
“Why not? How can a just God – there is no such being – keep these sinless souls out of heaven? That’s what you believe, isn’t it, Mr. Law?”
So he began a different tactic. “Who do you love, Mr. Law? You certainly don’t love the Australian people.”
“Oh yes, I do, that’s why I came on a mission.”
“So, how many have you saved?”
This was a hard mission. Few and far between were our welcomes. Fewer were our converts. I admitted grudgingly, “Not many.”
“And,” he said, “all the rest are consigned to hell.”
“Oh no, there are three degrees of glory, and…”
“We know all about your three degrees of glory. It means that many are called to be Mormons, but few are chosen to be gods. We know all about your church. We control every church in the world, except yours, and we will infiltrate that.”
“Mr. Law, you don’t love anybody, do you?”
“I love my mother.”
“No, you don’t. Under your plan, she can either choose to go to hell, or make a mistake and fall through the cracks into hell. If you really loved your mother, you’d be eager to guarantee that she would go to heaven. With our plan, it is guaranteed. In fact, no one will he lost; they will all go to heaven. Of course, we don’t believe in heaven or hell, anyway. But if you really love your fellow man, our plan is the only way to show it.”
I said, “I think I’ve heard this plan before.”
“Where could you have heard it?”
“It must have been in the Council in Heaven, before I was born.” He just laughed.
I was reeling under his attack, but I could not leave. There were no chains on me. But I felt as if I was bound, hand and foot, to the chair – as though I was paralyzed. So I asked, “Who are you? What do you call this plan?”
“I am one of three members of the central planning committee of the communist party for Australia.”
I said, “I’ve heard of communism.” But I knew very little about it.
The Melbourne man told me that the world understood economic, and political, and military communism. But the plan he was outlining to me, he called “spiritual communism”, that would evolve into a worldwide government. He said they were using the current governments until they controlled the world. Then those political, economic, and military leaders would need to be eliminated because they are violent men. Then the new world order would take over.
I asked how they could make the plan work, when there are so many people who are not prepared to accept it. He said, “We will have to annihilate all who cannot be conditioned to be either a worker or a teacher.”
“How many will you kill?”
“Hundreds of millions, maybe even you and me.”
“But that is murder.”
“That is a Christian term that has no meaning. It is really a part of cleansing. We need to reduce the population to a more manageable size, anyway. Only the inner corps of the elite leaders know about the plan. The present communist leaders don’t know it. Spiritual communism is not written or recorded anywhere. It is a secret plan.”
“Then why did you tell me?”
He was a bit perplexed, but he had an answer. “I don’t know. But we are looking for zealous young men who will join this work to help bring about this heaven on earth. Think about it, not one soul will be lost.”
I was not ready to give up yet. “You’ll never take over the world!”
He answered, “Mr. Law, we now control two-thirds of all world governments, politically or militarily or economically. Only the United States of America remains as the last major hurdle to world domination.”
So I boldly declared, “You’ll never take over the United States!”
But he said, “Mr. Law, let me tell you how it is!” He said they controlled all major conditioning instruments in America now: the entertainment industry, the news media, the education system, the courts, the financial system, political parties. Where they don’t have full control, they have infiltrated and have embedded their agents into all important decision-making bodies. He said they control every agency that affects daily living in America. Their agents were everywhere, doing their jobs.
But since I was a high school graduate, twelve years in an education system, I thought that made me an expert in education. Quite triumphantly, I said, “You don’t control the education system.”
Again, “Mr. Law, let me tell you how it is! When you get home, examine any textbook in any school, at any level, from preschool to university graduate school. You will find no mention of Jesus Christ or God or His plan. But you will find our plan being taught at every level. It’s written into every textbook.”
How right he was. I have spent almost 40 years of my life in education, as a teacher and an administrator, in public and private school systems. Satan’s plan is there; God’s plan is forbidden by law. God has even been declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court.
I asked when would all this take effect, and his spiritual plan be put into operation. He said, “We have a progressive agenda. We are prepared to take two steps forward, one step back, two forward, one back, until it is time. The American people won’t even know it is happening. When it is favorable, then everything will move swiftly to the purging, or cleansing stage. People will be stunned into immobility. We won’t want a time lag between take-over and full operation of our spiritual phase.”
Then he asked, “What do you think? Are you ready to join our forces?”
I fell back to the only sure ground I knew. “I believe in God, our Heavenly Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ. It’s their plan that I will follow.”
The Melbourne man became violently angry and shouted, “There are no such beings! They are myths created to enslave the minds of men. They don’t exist!”
I answered simply, “But I have felt the power of the Holy Ghost fill me with fire from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, and I have heard the voice of God testify to me that Jesus Christ is His Son. His plan is the truth, and that is what I teach.”
He lunged across the room and attacked me with his fists. Suddenly, I was free. I could move, and I ran outside into the lane. I found my companion wandering around, desperately looking for me. He didn’t dare leave, but had kept on searching for me. He had to help me on and off the tram. I was so exhausted that I was unable to get out of bed for a couple of days.
Elder Matthew Cowley, of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, was President of all the Pacific missions. He visited us often in Australia. In my interview with him, shortly after this experience, he sensed that something was disturbing me. He asked if I would like to tell him what was wrong.
So I outlined the Melbourne man’s spiritual communism to him. Elder Cowley told me why the man told me the plan. Now that I had been permitted to hear Satan’s plan, in detail, I could choose which I would follow, Satan or Christ.
Twenty-five years after this event, I was in Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s office and told him the account. He said that he had never heard Satan’s plan in this life. But he recognized the details that Satan used to persuade one-third of our brothers and sisters to follow him in the pre-existence. They were willing to trade their agency to choose, for Satan’s guaranteed salvation. Now, I could choose again which I would follow, Christ’s plan of agency, or Satan’s plan of total control. After sixty-three years, my choice is more firmly anchored than ever before.
I have watched spiritual communism eat its ghastly way into every country and into every government, including our own. It is everywhere. All 10 points of Karl Marx’s communist manifesto have been quietly incorporated into American life. They have been accepted as “social progress”.
The Book of Mormon tells how secret combinations destroyed two great civilizations, the Jaredites and the Nephites. The Prophet Moroni warns us:
“Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you.” Ether 8:24
Are we awake? Evidences of the secret combination – spiritual communism – are everywhere. What can we do about it? When the Jaredites and the Nephites followed the Prophets, they were protected. When they rejected the Prophets, they were destroyed. My only escape from the Melbourne man was my witness of Jesus Christ.
The Prophet Nephi warned his people:
“…nothing can save this people save it be repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ…Yea, how long will ye suffer yourselves to be led by foolish and blind guides?…” Helaman 13:6, 29
There is a wonderful lesson to be learned from the Jaredites and the Nephites. There is safety in following the Prophets. I encourage all of us to follow the temporal and spiritual counsel of the latter-day Prophets, Seers and Revelators!
(Note: This is a corrected and updated recount of the real-life events described by Marion Law in a previously titled transcript, The Brother Law Fireside)
(Source: Copyright 2010 Marion Albert Law.)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

we all have flawed parts

thought this had some great insights.

Recently I was wrestling with the pain of persistent faults in my character. Sometimes I question if I’m just fundamentally flawed; maybe there is no hope that I can become like Jesus. Maybe I’m just too broken to reach the level of discipleship I long for.
In the midst of despairing thoughts, I wondered if my electronics lab had some parallels to mortal life. Maybe when Heavenly Father hands us fallen mortality, He deliberately includes some faulty parts in our character kits.
Jesus surprises us when He says: “I give unto men weakness” (Ether 12:27). We hardly expect that the Father of holiness would fill His cherished charges with faults, weaknesses, and inadequacies. But He has a plan: “I give unto men weakness that they may be humble.” Apparently it is terribly important to Him that we be humble. Allowing us to wrestle with weaknesses is His way of aiding us in achieving humility. If we were not challenged by our weaknesses, our human natures would likely be tempted towards pride and self-sufficiency. Wrestling with our faults and frailties makes it more likely we will recognize our dependence upon Him.
All of us share at least one weakness. All of us listen too much to the flesh and not enough to the Spirit. Our happiness and progress depend on learning to privilege the quiet voice of the Spirit.
I suspect that we all have customized weaknesses as well. Many times those customized weaknesses are connected to our individual strengths. For example, I have a dear friend who possesses a keen mind and the ability to think through situations with insight. Generally a keen mind is a great blessing. However, the flip side of that strength is that she frequently over-analyzes life decisions which results in her struggling to make important choices necessary for her well-being and progression. Heavenly Father granted her a customized strength, yet at the same time, it can become a weakness which reminds her to continually turn to Him as she ponders important life choices.
Some of our customized faults and frailties are not tied to our strengths. But they can certainly counterbalance our strengths and cause us to realize we do not “work perfectly” if left to our own devices.
Options for Dealing with Our Weaknesses
So how do we react to our weaknesses and flaws?
One option is to ignore them and do nothing. We might resist pondering or acknowledging our own shortcomings. We might offer excuses to ourselves—“I’m only doing the best I can!” or “There were reasons why I acted that way!” We might blame our weaknesses on our backgrounds, life circumstances or other people. But to return to the radio analogy, this option will cause us to continue operating through life with “flawed parts” and we will never become what we were designed to become.
A second option is to go to the opposite extreme. We work as hard as we can to try to fix our weaknesses and flaws. But then, as we continue to struggle with those same or new-found weaknesses over time, we can become discouraged and hopeless. We can end up feeling broken due to our “flawed parts”.
But there is a better way. The best option is to notice our weaknesses and draw on the power of Heaven to make us whole.
The Great Discovery
Growing up and as a younger adult, I was very hard on myself and sometimes despaired that I would never become the person and disciple I wanted to be. There was a key lesson for spiritual progress that was so obvious that I entirely missed it through childhood and most of adulthood. Whenever I failed, I resolved to try harder and be better. That’s a good strategy for improving one’s manners but not for changing one’s heart.
Only after decades of failure did I start to discover the great truth: Jesus is the one who changes our natures. He is the one who gives us a new heart and renews within us a right spirit. When I lean on my own character for improvement, my progress is wholly inadequate. When I throw myself on the merits, mercy, and grace of Him who is mighty to save, I start to make real progress.
So, I learned to declare with Ammon: “Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things;” (Alma 26:12).
I learned to cry out with Alma: “O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me” (Alma 36:18).
I studied the Psalm of Nephi (2 Nephi 4), King Benjamin’s great, final instructions (Mosiah 3-4), Alma’s great sermon (Alma 5), Lehi’s benedictory (2 Nephi 2), and the amazing atonement chapters in latter-day revelation (2 Nephi 9, Alma 34, 42, 3 Nephi 27, Ether 3, D&C 19).
I look for opportunities to invite God and His Son into my everyday life to help me in the process of exchanging my flawed parts for holier ones. Rather than let my mind wander during the sacrament, I have a face-to-face conversation with Jesus.. Instead of excusing myself when I am less than I should be, I beg for heavenly help. I apply my best effort, but when I fall short, I draw upon the Atonement and accept the testimony of Elder Boyd K. Packer: “there is no habit, no addiction, no rebellion, no transgression, no apostasy, no crime exempted from the promise of complete forgiveness. That is the promise of the atonement of Christ” (October 1995, The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness).
I am grateful for the continuing gifts of repentance. I throw myself on His mercy and He changes my heart little by little.
“Although it seems counterintuitive, weakness is given to help us become strong in the only way that matters in time and eternity; that is, through the Savior and His Atonement. The Savior’s grace—His enabling power—will flow to us only to the degree we are humble before Him and exercise faith in Him… If we hold to that humility and exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, He will make us strong.” (Marcus B. Nash)

A HEAVENLY MANIFESTATION given to Heber Q. Hale President of the Boise Stake

  The Heavenly Manifestation given to Heber Q. Hale President of the Boise Stake Heber Q. Hale, President of the Boise Stake of the Church o...