Saturday, October 26, 2013

How to survive cancer

of course need to take everything you hear with your filter to determine if it works or not.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The American Manifesto

The American Manifesto

ITS Article Image
by  May 30, 2013
I am a sovereign man, responsible for my own actions and their consequences. I am the supreme authority of my life, and I may do with it as I please. I hold this to be an inalienable right of my humanity, and I will not suffer it to be infringed upon.
I wish to assume the calculated risk, to wager my livelihood and well-being upon the decisions I make; I desire to test my skill and intelligence against all form and fashion of challenges. Danger is the spice and variety of life: all danger is simply risk, and I weigh the risks and pursue those that offer the highest return; whether that return be material gain, spiritual enlightenment, temporal pleasure or simply the euphoria of success.
I will neither ask for nor receive unearned handouts; I will trade value for value. I will work for what I own, and I will own what I work for. I abhor debt, considering it as merely a front for economic slavery. I do believe in the principles of capitalism, where one is rewarded according to his ability and productivity. I make money, not just gather it: producing products and services of value, squaring off against my competitors in an effort to win.
I am fiercely competitive, and proud of my country and myself. I strive to be the best I can be, not by pulling other people down and restraining them, but by striving to outdo them, to better them at every opportunity. I will not apologize for my ability, nor will I cower before any foe; I resolutely embrace my skills and intelligence, and use them to my best profit. It is my right to be uncommon, to walk the path less traveled by. I hold that if everyone were to work for their best interests while refraining from infringing upon others, then the competition would drive quality up and price down: that we would raise each other up, instead of pull each other down.
I choose my friends and company from among my betters, constantly seeking to improve myself. I maintain an inviolate sense of honor, my word is my bond: I deal with people in a straightforward way, expressing the truth, with tact, in all I do and say. I communicate precisely and simply, speaking and writing what I mean to convey exactly.
I neither impose my will upon others, nor do I forcefully oppose their will; if I choose to attempt to convert someone to my point of view, I use logos, swaying them through reason and immovable logic. I will readily yield to another point of view, maintaining an open mind, provided I am convinced through the use of persuasion that the other party is correct. I refuse to coerce or be coerced.
As the logical result of my economic and moral conscience, I believe in living under my means and preparing for a rainy day. I fix things myself. I become the master of my possessions, learning their inner workings and using them to best effect, not to be held in their thrall. I buy things of superlative quality, both for the item’s intrinsic value and because something made to such a high standard shows a mind and mentality such as mine.
I am always a student. I enjoy studying the literary works of great acclaim, apprenticing under the tutelage of a master in his trade, and exposing myself to fresh experiences. This does not mean I accept everything I come to understand, I apply myself to think critically and skeptically of all new material: keeping the grain and letting the wind blow the chaff away. I do not limit myself to any particular trade or subject, but seek out and delve into diverse topics.
Being responsible for my own fate, I do not deign to leave it in other people’s hands. I take it upon myself to acquire skills and knowledge that I can use to defend myself and those I love, and to give myself as much of an advantage in any situation as I can. I maintain a high level of awareness, both of my surroundings and myself. I respond decisively and with no apology to defend myself, my possessions or the lives of others.
I dress immaculately. I present myself with composed confidence, sure in myself, certain in my choices. I am tactful and good company, not to curry favor with others, but because anything less would be disgraceful and below the level at which I hold myself. When the time to work comes, I wear clothes whose form is expressed in flawless function.
I do not dwell on that which is outside my control. I accept it and adjust accordingly: I am permanently flexible and perpetually stoic. I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.
I consider religion a personal matter. Whatever I believe, I separate it from my politics and my judgment of others.
I voluntarily surrender a measure of my authority over myself to my government, which I hold to exist for the sole purpose of removing coercion as a viable means to achieve an end. I participate actively in the politics of my land, not as a method to raise myself above my peers or achieve a position of power, but to serve. I consider political service a necessary duty, not a career; I regard a large, intrusive government to be the greatest of all evils, because all that is required for it to succeed is for good men to do nothing. For this reason, I am a proponent of citizens being free to arm themselves, as they ought: the point of arming the populace is not pleasurable pastimes nor is it individual protection, the point is to empower the people. If the people have less force available to them than the government, then the government is free to coerce them. At that point, they are no longer citizens, they are now subjects.
I am an American. I own my life, the product of my labor and my mind. With these, I will contend with fate. I will not trade my freedom for a guaranteed existence. I am, therefore I think.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Why Leaders Are Quiet About The End Times!!!

Why Leaders Are Quiet About The End Times!!!

Excellent comments from brother Richard Draper. He is an authority on the Book of Revelations.

“Between now and the time we build Zion – we are vulnerable.
Why don’t church leaders speak out more and warn about the last days and what’s coming?
Why is there no show of strength by the Church?
Why is there so much evil?
Why is there no parting of the Red Sea, as it were, or the ten plagues?
Why is there no drying up of the heavens, or plagues under the administration of the prophet?
Why is it that the church leaders do not march forth in strong defensive, rising up to condemn the nation like the prophets of old?
Where is the equivalent of the burden of Babylon, or the burden of Assyria, or the burden of Moab?

We are just not hearing about these things !

Why do the leaders sit quietly, doing the inner work of the kingdom – rather than battling for righteousness by buying prime time slots on TV, holding huge rallies, or shouting hell fire against the sin centers of the world. Even the missionaries are encouraged not to contend, but to preach with love.

Could it be that we are now in the one thousand two hundred and sixty days when the beast walks the land? Are we now in the time, times and half-time when the three and ½ years commence? Are we in the midst of the forty two months? Could it be that evil really is supposed to have the upper hand, to do its work ... almost unhindered (at least for the time being)? Is it really possible?

The Book of Revelation in the New Testament provides an answer. It shows us that the path of the church is not to actively fight against Babylon, or to put her down. She is to grow fat and sassy and to grow ever more arrogant and strong; and to remain ignorant that the day of her destruction is not far distant.

Our job is to flee Babylon (repent), gather Israel through the preaching of the gospel; perfect the Saints, redeem the dead, and build Zion.

The church does not have the resources to fight against principles, institutions or people. Every ounce of energy (financial and human) must be used for people, for morality, for goodness – not for actively opposing Babylon. In the Book of Revelation, the 144,000 nor the Saints, take part in any opposition against Babylon, the dragon, the beast, or false prophets. The Saints are absent from all battlefields. The 144,000 are engaged only in the gathering of those of Israel who will come to the church of the firstborn. The only task that The Book of Revelation assigns to the Saints, is to worship God and not the beast; to endure in faith, maintain virtue, to withstand persecution, and to preach the gospel of God.

Evil really has to have its day! Therefore, the church, for the present, is in a kind of isolation mode – concerned mostly with itself and internal affairs, strengthening its doctrinal and theological foundation – adding to its membership all who will come, and leaving the rest of the world to build that part of hell in which they will soon fall. Yes, evil really has to have its day. This world is in the kind of stage on which the cosmos will be able to see the self destructive nature of unrighteousness. Wickedness is going to come down! It is wickedness that is going to bring wickedness down. (The prophet won’t need to do it – the wicked will bring it on themselves.) And the cosmos is going to be able to see that. And just at the point where everyone has learned this lesson . . . then God is going to step in and save the world.”

God laid out the plan for this world before it was created, and Jesus Christ is carrying out that plan in flawless detail. The Prophet and Apostles today are doing their part in carrying out that plan just as it was designed by God. We have been warned – and now we are being tested to see if we will be obedient to the prophet.

God’s plan is working. The question is – are we?

A HEAVENLY MANIFESTATION given to Heber Q. Hale President of the Boise Stake

  The Heavenly Manifestation given to Heber Q. Hale President of the Boise Stake Heber Q. Hale, President of the Boise Stake of the Church o...